Components are fundamentally HandPhone and Functions
Hand Phone essentially consists of two main parts, namely:
A. RF section, which is the part that functions to perform signal processing.
B. Base band section, which is part of the function to perform processing power and data.
I. RF Section
The reception RF / Receiver / RX
A. Antenna
Serves as a catcher signals from the operator, then send it to the antenna switch. The antenna is connected to the antenna switch directly through the PAD Antena.Switch the starting gate antenna signal processing after being arrested by the antenna. Damage to the antenna or if the antenna is not connected properly will cause no signal.
B. Antenna Switch
Functions as a regulator of the signal in and out to avoid collisions. Antenna Switch also acts as a separator frequencies that will be processed on the next stage, especially at Hand Phone which has a line of more than 1 band. Line for Dual Band:
- GSM 900 MHz frequency
- DCS 1800 MHz with a frequency
Line for Triple Band:
- GSM to 942.5 MHz Frequency
- DCS with Frequency 1842.5 MHz
- PCS 1960 MHz with a frequency
Damage to the antenna switch causes no signal and did not get the network.
C. Filter
Serves as a frequency filter that will be processed in the RF IC. On Hand Phone type dual-band, the filter also referred to as Dual Band Filter (FOB). At FOB point is either GSM or DCS Line filtered in a filter component. For the type Triple Band, each line is filtered with a single filter. This screening process is intended to include only the frequencies in question are passed, while the frequencies that are not needed removed, so as not to create distortions or defects in the output or the output.
D. Low Noise Amplifier (L N A)
Serves as a signal amplifier receives a signal from the filter to achieve a sufficient level. Of course with low noise level of output or output that is not distorted.
IF also called IC. RF is the abbreviation of Radio Frequency, whereas IF stands for Intermediate Frequency. Serves as a processing center frequency, where the RF IC is happening the frequency decrease (demodulate). This occurs in the process of Receiving or signal reception. In this demodulate the high frequency derived frekusnsi so only voice or low frequency, which is then sent to the IC Audio.Proses increasing frequency (modulation), occurs in the process of transmitting or transmitting signals, which will be discussed at the Transmitting
In IC RF frequency division also occurs. The division is done on the output frequency of X-Tal which later issued as the CPU clock. This frequency processing tidal VCO off from aid.
A. IC Audio
Signal processing functions as a voice vote. Audio IC is divided into two parts, namely the Receiving and Transmitting section. Transmitting section will be discussed at the transmitting / TX.
Receiving Section: sound signal from the RF IC is still a digital signal. In order to be sound must be converted into analog signals. This is processed in the circuit DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) that has an internally mounted on the IC Audio. The output of the DAC is then amplified again by amplifier also has an internally mounted on the IC Audio. After strengthening the process and then issued to the Speaker.
B. Speaker
Serves to change the analog voice signal into voice so that we can listen with our ears.
The RF transmitting / Transmitting / TX
A. Microphone
Function to change the analog sound vibrations into electrical vibrations Analog, which is then sent to the IC Audio Transmitting section.
B. IC Audio
Analog voice signal from Mic Audio received by the transmitting IC. Then the analog signal is converted into the digital signal by a series of ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) which is attached internally to the IC Audio. Digital signal output from the ADC is then sent to the CPU to be processed again, data voice, data and written all the numbers in the CPU processing and produces digital flow, which is then sent back to the IC Audio modulation path to perfection. Output in the form of digital signal processing from the CPU was then sent to the RF IC with legs TX IP, TX IN, TX QP, and QN TX.
Signal TX I / Q in the form of digital signals from the IC Audio modulated (increased frequency) by IC with the help of RF VCO, so that the frequency changed to high frequency / radio frequency. The output of the RF IC is then sent to the RF Power Amplifier IC after balancing filter (balun).
D. RF Power Amplifier (IC P A)
Signal is fed through a filter to balance the PA IC for later strengthened in order to penetrate the space when emitted. Then the amplified signal is channeled to the Antena Switch after pengkopel.
A. Antenna Switch
As a final gate before it is emitted into free space through the antenna.
II. Section Base Band.
A. IC Power
Serves as a distributor of power to almost all components in Hand Phone. In DCT-4 and above IC Power has been replaced by the UEM (Universal Energy Manager) which is a combination of several previous generations of ICs in the DCT-3, namely: IC Power, Charger IC, Audio IC, and IC UI. Damage to this IC will cause the Dead Total, or problems with the signal.
B. Charger IC
Serves as a controller at the time opinions of the charger. Damage to this IC will cause the HP can not do the pengecas, although there are indications there has been an ngecash's. If you experience konslet Charger IC, then HP will die or the lightest total wasteful batteries.
Is the main tool from HP that run programs from memory and pass them on to the components other, so that components can work. CPU also controls the performance of the components of the Hand Phone.
D. IC Flash
Where users store programs. IC Flash IC is also called. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
Flash IC serves as a permanent data storage, in which the data are not lost in its data when power is switched off. Flash IC will fill important data. These data are MCU and PPM data, data MCU data contained Operating System (OS), while the data contained in the PPM data display, language pack (language packs), ringtone etc..
The data stored on the IC Flash not only Operating System just data, there are also data CP (Content Pack) and the User Area of storing data features found on phones such as: Games, Applications, Wallpapers, Ring tones, Photos, Movies , Phonebook, etc.
Other EEPROM functions is to store data information which is programmed by the manufacturer's own mobile phone. the EEPROM data storage is storage nanvolatil, because the data it contains will not be lost if power is turned off. Data stored in EEPROM include:
ü No IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier).
ü Security Code.
ü ESN (Electronic Serial Number).
ü MIN (Mobile Identification Code),
ü SID (System Identification Code
E. IC RAM (Random Access Memory)
Serves to store data temporarily. The data in RAM is lost when we remove the battery. Data can also be lost. We do with Erasing or deleting through the Keypad.
F. User Interface ICs
Serves as a driver or controller LED, Buzzer, and Vibrator.
G. IC Radio Module
Radio signal processing functions, and their frequency Chanel store the station name, as an amplifier or a radio signal amplifier. IC Radio Module assisted by transistors in the works.
H. Protector / Guardian / EMI
Serves to protect the components or specific parts that are not easily damaged, or if damaged, the repair will be easier. EMI has not applied to the DCT-3. For DCT-4 and above has been largely made use sabagai EMI protection.
I. SIM card
Serves as a password to start up Hand Phone, data storage phone book, and certainly as a store of our phone numbers, so the phone can be dialed.
I. Part Input / Output data
A. Key Pad / Keyboard
As a place to enter the data input of numerical data (including the letters and characters) as well as orders to the Hand Phone to be executed.
B. Infra Red / IR DA
Serve as a means of data transfer via Infrared sensor. Numerical data, voice, and multimedia can be included or sent to other media (computer or other Hand Phone which certainly has the same facility) through this equipment, by exposing both Infra Red on each Hand Phone.
To display the data entered, the data in the Hand Phone, as well as data processing by a Hand Phone.
D. Bluetooth
Berfingsi as a means of data transfer via radio waves. Numerical data, voice, and multimedia can be included or sent to other media (computer or other Hand Phone which must have the same facility) through this equipment, not like Infra Red, Bluetooth does not need to confront the two devices, Bluetooth and even this has ability to transfer data at a considerable distance.
I. Components Other Components
A. Prisoners / Resistors
Given symbol with the letter R box ... on the diagram. Hand Phone in the form of a small black box.
Serve as control DC current, voltage and Dividers.
If the prisoner / Resistor at Ground functions remove the DC current.
B. Capacitors
Dberi symbol C ... In the Hand Phone a small box brown. If installed serial function held at the track but missed the DC current AC current (Filter). If one foot placed on the ground, other than as a temporary storage voltage, also functions throw an AC signal with high frequency.
C. Inductor
Given the symbol L, serves as a filter voltage, so that the voltage does not carry out a frequency that can make the output of the Hand Phone distorted / flawed.
D. Fuse
Sisebut also fuse. Given the symbol F in the diagram, the shape of a small black box, serves as a security against excess current. Fuse installed on the charger circuit as a time to do pengecasan security.
E. Diode.
Given the symbol V on the diagram. There beberpa existing types of diodes at Hand Phone:
- Diodes rectify Electric Works.
- Zener diode. Serves to stabilize the voltage.
- Diode LED (Light-emitting diode Emiting) In light lamps at Key Pad and LCD.
F. Transistor
In the diagram given the symbol V (such as diodes).
Function as:
- Amplifier / Amplifier
- Optical Frequency / Oscilator.
- Switch / Switch